“I am an eye. I am a mechanical eye. I, a machine, am showing you a world, like likes of which only I can see.” 

This is a megapost featuring the development of my idea, showing all forms and plans I had over the duration of the module.

My original plan was to create a praxinoscope, an animation device that spins, using strips of paper and mirrors to create the illusion of animation. I wanted to make one, but didn’t know where to take the project once it had been made. I had the same issue with creating a stereoscope, so I dropped both ideas and moved on to the next.

Image result for praxinoscope

I then planned to create a humanoid figure with an old crt television for a head (it was very daft punk) but again, didn’t know what to display. I toyed with ideas of portraits, depth, static effects  and surveillance. I couldn’t track down a full body mannequin or a television in time, so I changed my idea once again.

Image result for tv helmet

I kept the ideas of the human form merging with technology but reversed the relationship. Human head on a technological body. I put cameras in the eyes – unfortunately neither of them worked properly – and made a montage clip to show, and attempted to display both the montage and the live feed at the same time on stacked televisions, similarly to work by Nam June Paik, where he explores media technologies and sculpture together (pictured below)Image result for nam june paik

The montage clip was inspired by Vertov’s Man with the Movie Camera. I used effects on premiere to emulate his editing style and the chaotic nature of his film. The mask’s design took inspiration from the same film. Another factor that played a role in the mask’s design was Brothers Quay, stop motion artists who mostly use creepy dolls and models like the one below to create chilling animations. Image result for brothers quay

My mask ended up looking like this, a very mechanical, terminator looking face. It has the words Kino Eye written across the forehead in russian as a very obvious nod to Vertov’s film, and markings and designs on the face to replicate his movie posters, but I didn’t want to go overboard and lose that Brothers Quay creepiness 32235610_1745387675540184_2257581204737884160_n


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